Burger or Rice?

Thinking back to the time when I was in primary school simply makes me giggle.

There was a day when my science teacher presented me with an extremely easy question and an unusually tough choice.

I had to stand in front of a table.

On the left side, there lies a plate of burger and onion rings.

Placed on the other side was
a bowl of fish soup and rice.

Burger or Rice?

Which choice did I make?
(Answer is in the picture below)

(Click to enlarge)

"Shake up with Nokia Comes With Music!"


  1. Hi Tan Chee Yong! Your blog is very nice. The photographs are very beautiful. The food appears yummy. Wish you all the best. God is Great.


  2. lol. Nice post! I'm definitely all in for burger! ahaha. XD although its not so healthy

  3. Was that before you came into FTPPS cause I can't remember something so funny happened hahhaha!


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